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MRM Policy for a Safe Return to In Office Visits


Our office remains compliant with guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What we are doing:
Telehealth continues to be offered; telehealth remains to be the option with the least risk

  • Mornings, prior to patients arriving, high and low traffic areas are addressed with disinfectant cleaners. Desk surfaces, door handles, light switches, toys, phones, bathrooms, etc. are all wiped/sprayed with disinfectant. In the evenings the same is completed.

  •  Each clinician is instructed to disinfect after each patient. Thus, prior to a patient coming into each respective office clinicians will spray/wipe office areas.

  •  There will be no more than two clinicians working at the office to reduce patient traffic.

  •  All therapy rooms in use meet two criteria

    1. More than 6feet between patient and clinician 

    2. Windows open for ventilation.

  • Masks are available for both clinicians and patients. Due to the over 6ft distance and ventilation, this is left to the comfort and decision of clinician and patient. Note: It remains recommended by CDC to wear masks.


What we ask of our patients:

  • If you are sick, please stay home and recover. Our staff is more than happy to reschedule your appointment with your clinician for a later date. During this time, less than 24 hours cancellation fees will be waived.

  • Please remember to thoroughly wash your hands. We have hand sanitizer available at the front desk.

  • Please arrive with a mask. If you do not have one- one will be provided. We ask that you wear a mask when at the receptionist desk.

  • We will continue to ask that patients wait in their car until the time for their appointment is approaching.

Thank you and welcome to our new location.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our office at (732)-683-2322. For more information on how to prevent illness and guidelines, please visit






If you are continuing teletherapy, please make sure to fill out the informed consent.

Sincerely Yours,
MRM Staff



Shrewsbury Address:

167 Avenue at the Commons Suite 7 

Shrewsbury, NJ 07702


Freehold Address:

495 Iron Bridge Rd

Unit #12

Freehold, NJ 07728


Holmdel Address:

Bell Works - Bell Health

101 Crawfords Corner Rd

Suite 1116-B

Holmdel, NJ 07733


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